Adorable Green Snake
On today's adventure, we get up close with one of the cutest and friendliest snakes in Louisiana! The rough green snake! Being a solid green, tree dwelling snake, means these guys are hard to find, and while out exploring with our guests, Eli and Luke, we found this adorable green snake! • Join Cajun Boy (Zachary Gray) as we learn about this super elusive, and super camouflage green snake! As always we hope y'all enjoy this video! :D • Go check out Eli and Luke's video to see more of the adventure! • • Catching A Kingsnake! (Ft. Life's Wil... • Most tropical or tree snake people think about, would probably look exactly like this snake. A bright green color, a yellowish belly, and a think, stick like build made for climbing and hunting in the trees. This arboreal species of tree snake, while not endangered or vulnerable, is rarely seen by people, because of their camouflage and tendency to stay high in the trees. Green snakes mostly prey upon insects, but will also eat other reptiles, such as lizards. One thing is for sure, these adorable snakes are a nonvenomous, and completely harmless species. So if you ever see one, definitely don't worry. These guys are friendly and cute! • Welcome to the Life's Wild Adventure channel! With lots of adventure, fun, and most importantly, animals! Join Zachary Gray, a young wildlife enthusiast, on all of his adventures with some of the most unique creature on the planet! From the smallest ants, to the big dinosaur like crocodilians, this channel is all about getting YOU into wildlife! This channel is all about animal education and exploration, learning about the world around us, and the animals we share it with! • New videos every weekend!