Tons of People Dream of This Extremely Steep Bridge
Tons of People Dream of This Extremely Steep Bridge • Recently, I found a reddit thread about a bunch of people who agreed they had had a dream about trying to drive up this exact bridge - a bridge so steep that in your dream you just roll back down. I myself remember having a similar dream as a child. Some people have the dream before they've even seen this photo - so what's going on here? • WATCH NEXT: Photos That Look Familiar But Are Uncomfortable (liminal spaces): • Photos That Look Familiar But Are Unc... • 📸 I N S T A G R A M: HannahTheHorribleYT • 🐦T W I T T E R: HannahTheHorrible: @HannahTheHorri1 • 💌 E M A I L: [email protected] • #steepbridgedream #collectiveconsciousness #eshimaohashibridgejapan • • Sources: 📰 • • / are_you_having_dreams_about_this_bridgeinc... •