The Oldest KATA in KARATE History セーサン
Three Karate vs Boxing matches all end with the same result. This style vs style match is very telling because it shows the difference between point sparring and hard sparring. These boxers have obviously hard sparred, but the karate guys most likely have only point sparred. Let's watch what the karatekas do correctly and incorrectly against these boxers. Jerry and Alex commentate these matches. • Timecodes: • 0:00 Match 1 • 1:15 Match 2 • 4:25 Trying to research the channel • 4:55 Slow mo breakdowns • Channel we critiqued: • boxing vs karate • Join channel memberships to be part of the club. Member knew about this video early! / @fightcommentary • Fight Commentary Chats for future interviews and podcasts: • / @fightcommentarychats • Fight Commentary Grappling for in-depth exploration into BJJ and Grappling: • / @fightcommentarygrappling • For those of you watching, please share this video, and let us know what type of video you want to see more related to mma and martial arts news! • Kirara (Qi La La)'s channel: / @qilalawingchunxinyiliuhe2976 • Xu Xiaodong MMA's YT channel: • / @xuxiaodong1979 • King of Dragons YouTube channel: • / @kodchampionship • Defend FC: • / @defendfightclub • Disclaimer: this channel is not meant to replace actual martial arts instruction. We are an entertainment/discussion/parody channel meant to celebrate and also make light of martial arts. Please go train with an accredited school or gym. • Subscribe for more #martialarts! #fightcommentary #martialartshumor • Royalty-free music from YouTube Audio Library: