Sevivon Sov Sov Sov Eyal Vilner Big Band Hanukkah Concert
Swinging Hanukkah Jazz Show by The Eyal Vilner Big BandHere is our version of Sevivon Sov Sov Sov - סביבון סוב סוב סוב - the Dreidel song, as performed at Br...
Hanukkah (Holiday), Dreidel, big band, swing, jazz, eyal vilner, hadar noiberg, Choro (Musical Genre), Brazil (Country), israel, jewish, Flute (Musical Instrument), orchestra, Eric Miller (Musical Artist), andrew gould, irving grossman, itamar borochov, max seigel, tony gorruso, Trumpet (Musical Instrument), piano, drums, tal ronen, bass, jack glottman, Latin Jazz (Musical Genre), Swing Music (Musical Genre), World Music (Musical Genre)