Guidance from Surah Hashr Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan


This khutbah was given on April 15, 2016 at The Islamic Center of Frisco. • After the Muslim victory against conspiring Jewish tribes in the Battle of • Khaibar, described in Surat Al-Hashr, Allah states that the spoils must be • distributed among all Muslims so that a handful of people will not hold the • majority of the wealth. In this context, explains Nouman Ali Khan, comes verse • 10, a supplication seeking Allah’s forgiveness and to rid our hearts of cheating, • hate, jealously and aggravation towards fellow Muslims. It is also a reminder • that believers must be mirrors to each other: if they see good, they acknowledge • it, and if they see bad, they speak out against it. • - For thousands of hours of Quran and Arabic content.


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