In one Shot Haloalkanes Haloarene Alcohol Phenol Ether Aldehyde Ketone Carboxylic Acid Preparations
Methods of preparations of Haloalkanes and Haloarenes • METHODS of preparations of Alcohols and phenol and ether • Methods of Preparation of Alcohols • 1. Hydration of Alkenes • Reaction: RCH=CH2 + H2O → RCH(OH)CH3 • Examples: Hydration of ethylene to form ethanol, hydration of propylene to form propanol • 2. Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones • Reaction: RCHO + H2 → RCH(OH)H • Reaction: R2C=O + H2 → R2CHOH • Examples: Reduction of acetaldehyde to form ethanol, reduction of acetone to form isopropanol • 3. Grignard Reaction • Reaction: RCHO + RMgX → R2CHOH + MgXOH • Examples: Reaction of benzaldehyde with methylmagnesium bromide to form benzyl alcohol, reaction of formaldehyde with phenylmagnesium bromide to form benzyl alcohol • 4. Hydrolysis of Alkyl Halides • Reaction: RCH2X + H2O → RCH2OH + HX • Examples: Hydrolysis of chloroethane to form ethanol, hydrolysis of bromopropane to form propanol • 5. Oxidation of Alkanes • Reaction: RCH2CH3 + [O] → RCH2CH2OH • Examples: Oxidation of propane to form propanol, oxidation of butane to form butanol • 6. Fermentation • Reaction: C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 • Examples: Fermentation of glucose to form ethanol, fermentation of sucrose to form ethanol • 7. Hydrogenation of Esters • Reaction: RCOOR' + 2H2 → RCH2OH + R'OH • Examples: Hydrogenation of methyl acetate to form ethanol, hydrogenation of ethyl benzoate to form benzyl alcohol • 8. Reaction of Epoxides with Grignard Reagents • Reaction: RCH(O)CH2 + RMgX → R2CHOH + MgXOH • Examples: Reaction of ethylene oxide with methylmagnesium bromide to form ethanol, reaction of propylene oxide with phenylmagnesium bromide to form benzyl alcohol • Would you like information on: • 1. Specific reaction mechanisms? • 2. Conditions and reagents used? • 3. Product purification and isolation? • 4. Industrial applications of alcohols? • 5. Research updates on alcohol synthesis? • [11/29, 6:05 PM] Meta AI: Methods of Preparation of Phenol • 1. Cumene Process • Reaction: C6H5CH(CH3)2 + O2 → C6H5OH + CH3COCH3 • Conditions: Temperature: 100-150°C, Pressure: 10-20 atm • Yield: 90-95% • 2. Raschig Process • Reaction: C6H5Cl + NaOH → C6H5OH + NaCl • Conditions: Temperature: 150-200°C, Pressure: 10-20 atm • Yield: 80-90% • 3. Dow Process • Reaction: C6H5Cl + H2O → C6H5OH + HCl • Conditions: Temperature: 200-250°C, Pressure: 20-30 atm • Yield: 85-95% • 4. Oxidation of Benzene • Reaction: C6H6 + O2 → C6H5OH + CO2 • Conditions: Temperature: 200-300°C, Pressure: 10-20 atm • Yield: 70-80% • 5. Hydrolysis of Chlorobenzene • Reaction: C6H5Cl + H2O → C6H5OH + HCl • Conditions: Temperature: 150-200°C, Pressure: 10-20 atm • Yield: 80-90% • 6. Fries Rearrangement • Reaction: C6H5COCl + C6H5OH → C6H5C(O)OC6H5 + HCl • Conditions: Temperature: 100-150°C, Pressure: 10-20 atm • Yield: 70-80% • 7. Oxidation of Cyclohexanone • Reaction: C6H10O + O2 → C6H5OH + CO2 • Conditions: Temperature: 200-300°C, Pressure: 10-20 atm • Yield: 80-90% • 8. Biosynthesis • Reaction: C6H12O6 → C6H5OH + CO2 • Conditions: Temperature: 20-30°C, Pressure: 1 atm • Yield: 50-60% • • 1. Williamson Ether Synthesis • Reaction: RONa + R'X → ROR' + NaX • Conditions: Temperature: 50-100°C, Solvent: Ethanol or THF • Yield: 70-90% • 2. Alkoxymercuration of Alkenes • Reaction: RCH=CH2 + ROH + Hg(OAc)2 → RCH(OR)CH2HgOAc • Conditions: Temperature: 20-50°C, Solvent: Water or Ethanol • Yield: 60-80% • 3. Electrophilic Addition of Alcohols to Alkenes • Reaction: RCH=CH2 + ROH → RCH(OR)CH3 • Conditions: Temperature: 20-50°C, Solvent: Water or Ethanol • Yield: 50-70% • 4. Reaction of Alkyl Halides with Sodium Alkoxides • Reaction: RONa + R'X → ROR' + NaX • Conditions: Temperature: 50-100°C, Solvent: Ethanol or THF • Yield: 70-90% • 5. Transesterification • Reaction: RCOOR' + R''OH → RCOOR'' + R'OH • Conditions: Temperature: 50-100°C, Solvent: Ethanol or THF • Yield: 60-80% • 6. Reaction of Epoxides with Alcohols • Reaction: RCH(O)CH2 + ROH → RCH(OR)CH2OH • Conditions: Temperature: 20-50°C, Solvent: Water or Ethanol • Yield: 50-70% • 7. Reaction of Aldehydes with Alcohols • Reaction: RCHO + ROH → RCH(OR)H • Conditions: Temperature: 20-50°C, Solvent: Water or Ethanol • Yield: 40-60% • 8. Reaction of Ketones with Alcohols • Reaction: R2C=O + ROH → R2C(OR)H • Conditions: Temperature: 20-50°C, Solvent: Water or Ethanol • Yield: 30-50% • • #organicchemistry #chemistry #science #chemistrylab #chemistrymemes #chemistrynotes #chemistrylove #inorganicchemistry #chemistrystudent #chemistrylovers #chemist #chemistryisfun #lab #chemistrymajor #biology #chemistryeducation #chemistryclass #neet #physics #laboratory #chemistryjokes #biochemistry #research #chemistryteacher #chemistrylover #sciencememes #chemists #physicalchemistry #scientist #organic • Alcohol phenol and ether • Aldehyde Ketone and Carboxylic Acid • Most important organic Chemistry reaction • Organic Chemistry in one shot • In one Shot Haloalkanes Haloarene Alcohol Phenol Ether Aldehyde Ketone Carboxylic Acid Preparations