Realworld application of the Central Limit Theorem CLT
👉Sign up for Our Complete Data Science Training with 57% OFF: • 👉 Download Our Free Data Science Career Guide: • In this video, we talk about the real-world application of one of the most widely used theorems in data science: The Central Limit Theorem. It is the core of ‘hypothesis testing’ - an approach in statistics that lets you use data to evaluate your ideas. In fact, this theorem can be applied to a variety of real-life problems. We illustrate it with an interesting example of a business in the fish market area. • The Central Limit Theorem is a theorem in probability theory, whose first version was proposed by the French mathematician Abraham de Moivre in 1733. Moivre published an article where he used a normal distribution to approximate the distribution of the number of heads resulting from many tosses of a fair coin. The finding was nearly forgotten until the French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace expanded it in his monumental work in the 19th century. Over the years, numerous versions of it have been discovered and proven by other mathematicians. Fascinating, right? Watch the video to learn more! • ► Consider hitting the SUBSCRIBE button if you LIKE the content: • ► VISIT our website: • 🤝 Connect with us LinkedIn: / 365datascience • 365 Data Science is an online educational career website that offers the incredible opportunity to find your way into the data science world no matter your previous knowledge and experience. We have prepared numerous courses that suit the needs of aspiring BI analysts, Data analysts and Data scientists. • We at 365 Data Science are committed educators who believe that curiosity should not be hindered by inability to access good learning resources. This is why we focus all our efforts on creating high-quality educational content which anyone can access online. • Check out our Data Science Career guides: • How to Become a... (Data and AI Caree... • #CentralLimitTheorem #DataScience #Theorem