Warframe Ivara Solo Elite Deep Archimedea no gear 34 Points MIR DIS SUR 20241029

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#warframe • Solo EDA (Elite Deep Archimedea) run with my main Ivara on 2024-10-29,34 research point run. I'm a bit late here, hope everyone had a happy Halloween. This week's EDA drove me a little bit crazier than usual. Simply because, I wanted to try out 'crowd-control' Ivara for this week's EDA. Lesson learned; she could potentially work... but then she'll struggle when she really needs the damage part for the rest of the EDA. So, damage huntress still reigns supreme. The first 11 points I got was due to cc-Ivara barely passing the Mirror Defense round but having the mission timeout on the Disruption due to not killing fast enough. Alright, back to damage huntress it is then. The Mirror Defense took 6 attempts to get past, again. If you're going to ask Why don't I use a helminth ability for Ivara? I'll repeat what I've said in a previous solo Ivara EDA video, I'm a very simple Ivara main that still wants to use a vanilla Ivara without helminth modification. That's just my choice and that's it. Onwards now. (No gear specters, spicy) • Timestamps: • Mission 01 (Mirror Defense): 00:24 • Mission 02 (Disruption): 11:42 • Mission 03 (Survival): 27:22 • Mission Parameters/overview: 36:28 • Builds: 36:51 • Personal Modifiers: • Abbreviated Abilities (Ability Durations reduced by 50%.) • Gear Embargo (Gear cannot be used.) • Untreatable (Pickups do not heal, and Health Orbs cannot be picked up.) • Energy Exhaustion (Lose 2 Energy per second for each enemy within 10 meters of you.) • Mirror Defense 01 Mission Modifiers/Risk Variables: • Eroding Senses (The Auricle and Vitreum take damage over time, collecting the required Vosphene Glyphs will halt the degradation and partially heal them.) • Devil's Bargin (Allies within 4m of slain enemies gain +25% Fire Rate at the cost of -50% Ammo Efficiency.) • Hostile Regeneration (Enemy health slowly regenerates.) • Disruption 02 Mission Modifiers/Risk Variables: • Engorged Gruzzlings (All Gruzzlings are Eximus.) • Postmortal Surges (Slain enemies burst with Void energy.) • Explosive Potential (Rupturing Fragments replace Shuffling Fragments.) • Survival 03 Mission Modifiers/Risk Variables: • Hostile Support (The Life Support Tower delivery system is disabled. Necramechs spawn every 90 seconds, and drop 6 Life Support Modules when killed.) • Commanding Culverins (Rogue Culverins equip weapons that deal 5x Damage to Overguard and Necramechs.) • Bolstered Belligerents (All enemies have Overguard equal to 50% of their max health.)


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