The Sacred Vessels on the Altar during Mass
Many sacred vessels can be seen on the altar during the Eucharistic prayer and communion rite of the Catholic Mass. Each item has special significance and symbolism to add meaning to the prayers and actions of the liturgy. • 🍷 The Sacred Vessels at Mass 🍷 • Paten - This plate holds the bread that will become the Body of Christ. • Ciborium - These flat bowls hold the consecrated hosts that are distributed during the communion rite. • Chalice - This large cup holds the wine that becomes the Blood of Christ. • Communion Cup - Besides the chalice, these many cups hold the precious Blood of Christ that is distributed to the congregation during the communion rite. • Water Pitcher Finger Bowl - The altar server pours water out of the pitcher into the finger bowl so the priest can symbolically wash his hands and ask for God's forgiveness before the Eucharistic prayer. • Water Cruet - This small picture is used to place a drop of water into the wine before it is blessed. This symbolizes the humanity (water) and divinity (wine) of Jesus Christ. • Wine Carafe - The pitcher that holds the wine to be poured out into the chalice and communion cups. • 🏳️ The Catholic Mass Linens 🏳️ • These are the linens used during a Mass: • Altar Cloth - This large, white cloth covers the altar. It is only cleaned in the sacrarium when there are big stains. • Corporal - In Latin this word means body. The corporal is the square cloth unfolded above the altar cloth on which the priest places the paten and chalice for the consecration. • Pall - The stiff, square cover placed over the chalice to prevent contaminants into the wine. • Purificator - This small white cloth, which usually includes a small red cross, is used by the priest, deacon, and eucharistic ministers to wipe the communion cups after each person drinks. It is also used to cleaning the all of the sacred vessels after communion. • SUBSCRIBE for more Catholic videos: • CONNECT WITH THE RELIGION TEACHER: • -- Facebook: / thereligionteacher • -- Pinterest: / religionteacher • CONNECT WITH JARED: • -- Instagram: / jareddees • -- Twitter: / jareddees • -- LinkedIn: / jareddees • ARE YOU A RELIGIOUS EDUCATOR? CHECK OUT THESE RESOURCES: • -- Activities: • -- Popular Lesson Plans: • -- The Religion Teacher's Guide to Lesson Planning: • -- BECOME A MEMBER: Access hundreds of printable worksheets, class videos, and online courses here: