River Geomorphology 7 Emriver Channelization Large Meanders Packed Sediment
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This clip has no audio. Download the teaching guide at • http://emriver.com/documents/2018/01/... • This is a time-lapsed Emriver channelization demonstration in which a meander • loop is cut off. In this case the channel length between two points is more than • halved, so slope would increase by a factor of 2+. The playback speed varies • and is noted on the video. • Note the relative stability of the system before channelization, in which a small • amount of sediment is moving through the reach, but there is little bank erosion • and by one definition—sediment in = sediment out—the system is very stable. A • moving circle and the words “uniform bedload transport” illustrate this. • After the channelization note bank failures both up and downstream, and that the • channel slowly reestablishes a meandering form so that its overall length is about • the same as before the channelization. Graphics show how bedload transport • greatly increases due to incision and bank erosion upstream of and within the • reach. • During the remeandering process, note that there is a net export of sediment— • you can see this by visually comparing sediment movement into the reach versus • that out of it. • Near the end of the clip (2:17), transect graphics appear. These show the wide, • unstable nature of the channelized reach versus the narrow, more stable • upstream reach. • If you enjoy this video please like and subscribe. • Don't forget to click the bell so you get notifications when we upload new videos and live stream. • For more information about our Emriver models and modeling media, visit our website at: emriver.com • Find us on: • Facebook - / littleriverusa • Twitter - / emrivermodel • LinkedIn - / litt. . • Instagram - / emrivermodel