Next Level Filmmaking How to Shoot BRoll Footage


The NEW Filmora11 UPDATE is HERE! ✨ Download and Try Filmora: • What is b roll? Why you need it and how do you film and edit the right b-roll for your videos? B Roll is supplemental footage inserted as a cutaway to the main shots and is used to help tell the story. These are shots that can be inserted on top of a clip that visually represents what’s being told at that time in the video. And it doesn’t always have to be footage. It can be still images, graphics or animation. • Many times, b roll has saved our projects and that’s why in this video, Matt is going to show you how to film b roll and 4 ways to use b roll! • 1. Using as a cutaway • The most common example of b roll is shooting an interview with a person and you cut away to what the person is talking about. • So say I am interviewing JJ about pizza and she is describe it to you, it might get a little boring just seeing the one shot. So inserting some extra shots of pizza while talking can help break the pacing and spice up the video. • Another thing is if you have b roll, you can hide mistakes. If I fumble a few words and have to restart again you can cut the mistake out, and cover it with the b-roll. • 2. Pacing • Another example is using b roll is pacing. You can cut the boring parts out seamlessly by cutting to the 2nd angle that starts at a later time in the interview. • 3. Clarifying Additional Information • I mentioned earlier that you can use footage and animation as b roll. So if you FORGET to shoot extra b roll, you can use animations or motion graphics. You see this alot in Educational videos that teaches you stuff that is sometimes hard to film. So having still images or animated text or graphics can serve the exact same purpose. • 4. Enhance the story • Adding context using b roll in your story is critical when engaging your audience to follow along with your story. One example is showing b roll of the location or environment where your video is taking place. • Without b roll, it’ll be very difficult to set a tone or mood with just a talking person. If you start your video with a black and white b roll, it’ll give a very different feeling than a colorful shot. So in that way, it’ll set up a tone of the story you’re trying to tell. • Filming • When filming b roll, a good rule to follow is to set aside separate time to capture your b roll. • If it’s an interview, it’s best to film the b roll after the interview so you know what shots you need to get. • When it comes to the actual filming, we mostly film in slow motion. Why? This is because we want both options of real time speed and slow motion in the edit. If you shoot in regular speed in 24fps, you really can’t slow that footage down. If you can, we also shoot in 4K so we can crop into a shot when needed, which means that we get 2 shots in one. • Conclusion • Having b roll in your videos helps set the tone and context of your video projects. It can also enhance your video by helping the pace of your video and helps keep your views engaged. What are some of your favorite ways to use b roll in your videos? Let us know in the comments below! • I hope you enjoyed this video and learned a little more about b roll! Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel if you haven’t already and we’ll see you all in our next video.


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