Youth Baseball Pitching Skills Working On Hand Break
Separating your hands in baseball pitching is a fundamental part of the pitching motion. Learning good habits as a youth baseball pitcher is going to make a big difference in the long run. • Here's a step-by-step guide on how to separate your hands properly: • Grip the Baseball: • Start with the baseball in your glove. Hold it with your fingers and not in the palm. • Use a comfortable and secure grip, such as a four-seam or two-seam fastball grip. • Glove Side Set-Up: • Stand on the pitching rubber with your feet shoulder-width apart. • Hold the glove in front of your chest, creating a target for your throwing hand. • Hands Together: • Bring your hands together in front of your body while holding the baseball inside the glove. • Keep your elbows close to your body for better control. • Lift the Leg: • As you start your pitching motion, lift your front (glove) leg off the ground. • Simultaneously, separate your hands by pulling your throwing hand back and away from your glove. • Loading Position: • At the peak of your leg lift, your throwing hand should be positioned behind and slightly above your back shoulder. • Your glove hand remains in front, creating a loading position. • Timing and Synchronization: • Focus on the timing and synchronization of your hand separation with your leg lift. • Your hands should separate naturally as part of the overall pitching motion. • Maintain Balance: • Throughout the separation and leg lift, maintain good balance on your back (drive) leg. • Avoid excessive movement that could affect your control and accuracy. • Drive Towards Home Plate: • As you initiate the forward motion, drive towards home plate with your back leg. • Simultaneously, bring your hands forward and down, releasing the ball at the appropriate time in your throwing motion. • Follow Through: • Complete your pitch with a balanced and controlled follow-through. • Allow your throwing arm to come across your body, and your glove hand to finish low and in front. • Consistency and Repetition: • Practice this motion repeatedly to develop muscle memory and consistency. • Focus on maintaining a smooth and fluid motion. • Remember, the key to an effective pitching delivery is maintaining a consistent and repeatable motion. Work on your mechanics, stay balanced, and practice regularly to improve your pitching skills. If possible, consider seeking guidance from a pitching coach for personalized feedback and adjustments. • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Hey everyone! You can now get all the ARM digital books in one spot RIGHT HERE:⭐📖⭐ • Digital Training Books Throwing Programs • • Let me know if you pick one up so I can say thank you. See you soon. - Coach Jason • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ARM Pitching Development Resources Material Links (Paper Backs) • 📖 9 week throwing velocity and training program is available here • ** Amazon USA: • 📖 12 Month Arm Care Throwing Program Book • ** Amazon USA: • 📖 6 Week Youth Pre-Season Workout Book • ** Amazon USA: • 📖 The Athlete's Success Planner • ** LULU PRESS: • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • *Gear And Equipment We Use In Videos Training* • 1a. Stalker Sports 2 Radar • *** Amazon USA: • 1. Jaeger Sports Exercise Baseball/Softball J-Bands • *** Amazon USA: • 2. Rawlings Practice Baseball Series, 12 Ball Pack • *** Amazon USA: • 3. Driveline PlyoCare Balls: Adult 14+, Set of 6 • *** Amazon USA: • 4. TAP Conditioning TAP Max-Grip Weighted Ball- Set of Six | Plyo Balls Used in Pitching • *** Amazon USA: • 5. Driveline Recovery Mini Trampoline - 18 Portable Folding Trampoline with Carrying Case • *** Amazon USA: • 6. Pocket Radar Ball Coach/Pro-Level Speed Training Tool Radar Gun • *** Amazon USA: • 7. SuperSliders 4724095N Reusable XL Heavy Furniture Movers for Carpet- Quickly and Easily Move Any Item, 9-1/2 x 5-3/4 Brown (4 Pack • *** Amazon USA: • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • • • Disclaimer: This description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!