Vedic Maths Addition Trick
Vedic Maths is a collection of techniques/sutras to solve mathematical problem sets in a fast and easy way. These tricks introduce wonderful applications of Arithmetical computation, theory of numbers, mathematical and algebraic operations, higher-level mathematics, calculus, and coordinate geometry, etc. • Vedic maths tricks for Addition • The addition is one of the most basic operations of Vedic mathematics. It states that, • Find out the number which is closest to the 10s multiple because it is easier to add those numbers. • 7, 8, 9 close to 10 • 21, 22, 23 close to 20 • 67, 68, 69, are close to 70 • 97, 98, 99, are close to 100 ....... and so on. • Add the numbers which are the multiples of 10s • Add/Subtract the deficiency of numbers. • Let’s understand with the help of an example. • Suppose, we have to add 27 and 98. • So, Vedic maths tells us to add 30 and 100 which is 130 and then subtract (3+2) i.e. the deficiency from 130. So the result will be 125. • Similarly, if we have to add 66 and 576. • So, Vedic maths tells us to add 70 and 580 which is 650 and then subtract (4+4) i.e. the deficiency from 650. So the result will be 642. • There is yet another trick to perform addition using Vedic maths which states to add hundreds with hundreds, tens with tens and ones with ones, and so on. • • For example, Suppose we have the following question, 220 + 364 + 44 + 18 = ? • Vedic maths tells us to break the numbers as per their place values. So, we will break the addition into: • 200 + 300 = 500 • 20 + 60 +40 +10 = 130 • 4 + 4 +8 = 16 • Repeat the process: • 500 + 100 = 600 • 30 + 10 = 40 • And at the units place we have 6. • Now perform, 600 + 40 + 6 = 646 • • Buy Testbook Pass at Maximum discount • • Keywords: vedic maths | vedic maths full course | vedic maths addition tricks | vedic maths addition and subtraction tricks | vedic maths tricks for addition and subtraction in hindi | vedic maths best tricks | abacus maths tricks | math tricks | Tricks for SSC, Bank, Railway Exams | vedic maths addition and subtraction | vedic maths for kids • #vedicmathstricks #vedicmathsadditiontricks #abacustricks #mathtricks #additionand subtractiontricks #tricks #fastcalculationtricks #vedicmathematics #vedicsutras • Music: Maestro Tlakaelel • Artist: Jesse Gallagher • • Website- • coupon code “DRIVE” • Use code DRIVE to get 12% Instant Discount, FUTURE OFFICER SALE • Get Pass Pro 🔴 @615 🔴 - • • Thank You...