Proverbs Chapter 21 Summary and What God Wants From Us


This is a summary of the twenty-first chapter of Proverbs, the most important verse, and what I think God is wanting us to do in response to it. • • This is a video explaining what I think God wants us to do after we read Proverbs 21. • The following is for keyword search purposes: • You can use this video as a supplement to your daily Bible study or scripture reading. It contains a Bible verse or multiple Bible verses from the King James Bible not kjb usccb nasb niv, and it can be used as a Bible verse of the day. • You can search other videos in the series for online Bible reading and encouraging Bible verses in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Some have Jesus quotes and commentary or Bible concordance. • Watch for your daily audio bible biblehub inspirational bible verses youversion Bible study tool. Discover some of the promises of God as you do a Bible in a year reading plan for Bible verses for healing and strength. • • #Proverbs21 #Bible #JesusChrist • Welcome back to ‘the bible says what’. Today I will summarize Proverbs chapter 21, which contains 31 of Solomon’s proverbs. Just like in some of the previous videos, I will give you a small sample of these. Hopefully you will spend some time and read them for yourself. • Solomon wrote: The righteous love the thought of judgement day. The wicked try to ignore it and pretend that day will never come. To judge justly is more acceptable and pleasing in God’s eyes than any kind of sacrifice. God directs every king’s heart and turns it wherever He wants the king to go. The sin that the wicked loves so much will turn on them and destroy them. And then God will overthrow them for their wickedness. • Solomon continued: it is better to live in the corner of a housetop in peace than to live in a large house with a nagging woman who likes to fight. It is better to live in the wilderness than to live with an angry woman. Whoever keeps his mouth shut will also keep his soul from many troubles. The person who wanders away from wisdom will remain in the congregation of the dead forever. The wise man will save and will have excess treasure in his home. But the wicked will spend everything they have and will refuse to save anything. • The most important verse in this chapter is Proverbs 21:18 which states, ‘The wicked will be a ransom for the righteous, and the transgressor for the upright. • The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that righteous people look forward to judgment day with eager expectation. God directs every king of every nation to do whatever He pleases. God wants couples to live at peace with each other. And God wants people to know they should save a little of what they make instead of spending it all right away. • Do you look forward to judgment day? Do you fight with and nag your spouse? Do you spend all the money you get right away? Why don’t you surrender your soul and die to yourself today? Repent for your sin and turn to Jesus for salvation. Jesus humbled himself and died on a cross to pay for your sin, and he Father raised Jesus from the dead. God said if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and if you believe in your heart that the Father raised Jesus from the dead, you would be saved. Why don’t you do that right now? • Thanks for watching the Proverbs chapter 21 episode. If you enjoyed it, please give it a thumbs up and share it. Subscribe if you want to keep up with these daily videos, too. See you next time.


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