수태낭이 생긴 모시나비 암컷은 더 이상 짝짓기를 할 수 없다 힐링 곤충 다큐멘터리
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5월 초 경기도 파주에서 만난 모시나비들을 영상으로 담아 보았습니다. • 모시나비 • Parnassius stubbendorfii Ménétriès, 1849 • • #모시나비 #나비 #수태낭 • —————————————————————————————————————— • ◎ 충우 Since 1996 • —————————————————————————————————————— • ◎ 홈페이지 http://www.stagbeetles.com • —————————————————————————————————————— • ⓒ CHUNGWOO Since 1996 All Rights Reserved. • —————————————————————————————————————— • The Parnassius genus represents a remarkable group of butterflies that have adapted to some of the planet's most challenging environments. Their unique life cycle, behaviors, and adaptations make them a subject of interest for entomologists and conservationists alike. Understanding and protecting these butterflies is crucial for maintaining the biodiversity and ecological balance of mountainous regions. • • The Snow Apollo genus, scientifically known as Parnassius, is a fascinating group within the butterfly family Papilionidae. These butterflies are known for their distinctive and often striking appearance, as well as their adaptation to high-altitude habitats. Here’s a detailed overview of their life and characteristics: • • Habitat and Distribution • Parnassius butterflies are typically found in mountainous regions, including the Alps, the Himalayas, and other high-altitude areas in Europe and Asia. They thrive in environments where many other butterflies cannot survive, often at elevations ranging from 1,000 to 4,500 meters above sea level. • Physical Characteristics • Wings: Parnassius butterflies generally have translucent white or pale wings with black and red markings. The hindwings often feature eye-catching red or orange spots, which can vary in size and shape among species. • Size: They are medium-sized butterflies, with wingspans ranging from 50 to 90 millimeters. • Life Cycle • 1. Egg: Female Parnassius butterflies lay their eggs on or near the host plants that the larvae will feed on. These eggs are often deposited in small clusters. • 2. Larva (Caterpillar): Upon hatching, the caterpillars feed on specific host plants, which vary by species but commonly include members of the genera Sedum and Corydalis. The larvae are usually dark in color with lighter markings, providing camouflage against predators. • 3. Pupa (Chrysalis): After a period of feeding and growth, the caterpillars pupate. The pupal stage can vary in duration depending on environmental conditions, particularly temperature and altitude. • 4. Adult: Emerging as adults, Parnassius butterflies have a short lifespan during which they must find mates and reproduce. They are typically seen from late spring to early autumn, depending on their geographic location and altitude. • Behavior and Adaptations • Flight: Parnassius butterflies have a slow and graceful flight pattern. They often bask in the sun to regulate their body temperature, a necessary behavior in their cold, high-altitude habitats. • Feeding: Adult butterflies feed on nectar from a variety of alpine flowers, using their long proboscis to reach deep into the blossoms. • Mating: Males are known to engage in patrolling behavior, actively seeking out females. After mating, females can be seen laying eggs on or near suitable host plants. • Conservation • Many Parnassius species are considered vulnerable or endangered due to habitat loss, climate change, and human activities such as agriculture and tourism. Conservation efforts are focused on preserving their natural habitats and mitigating the impacts of climate change. • Notable Species • Parnassius apollo (Apollo butterfly): One of the most well-known species, found in European mountains including the Alps and Pyrenees. • Parnassius mnemosyne (Clouded Apollo): Found across Europe and Asia, known for its relatively larger wings with fewer markings compared to P. apollo. • Parnassius phoebus (Phoebus Apollo): Distributed in the mountainous regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. • Cultural Significance • The Snow Apollo butterflies are often celebrated for their beauty and are sometimes featured in art and literature. Their presence in high-altitude ecosystems also makes them important indicators of environmental health.