How to do pigeon pose beginner intermediate amp advanced
This video is about How to do - Pigeon pose or Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana in Sanskrit, which means one-legged king pigeon pose . • Pigeon pose helps relieve tight hips particularly the abductors of outer hip muscles and the hip flexor of the back leg. Releasing the psoas muscle (major hip flexor) can help relieve stress which builds up from sitting or being in fight or flight mode. • Three variations of the pose are shown here: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Be sure to warm up adequately before trying out these poses or do a full class leading up to the Pigeon from the Kuthuta Yoga Online Studio: • Beginner level class - • Intermediate level class - • • Yoga Sensei Towani Clarke • • Music by Musuka Damien Musuka