3 Unique Neck Exercises Loosen Your STIFF NECK

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These 3 unique exercises for a stiff neck will help correct tight muscles and postural issues like forward head posture or “text neck.” • Poor posture at the neck can cause a lot of discomfort and interrupt your workouts, work, and sleep. But even worse, it can cause increased compression on the cervical spine, potentially leading to painful issues like pinched nerves and compressed cervical discs. • To combat this, in this video I’ll first teach you how to create length in the cervical spine and then you’ll re-learn how to move your head on a properly positioned neck. • [1:15] The foundation for the 3 exercises to come is called Cervical Lengthening, in which you stack each vertebrae on top of the next to find a position of proper length and alignment. It’s important to master this step first. • [2:12] Next comes the exercises. The first is Side Bending, a move that combines lateral flexion, forward flexion, and extension, all while maintaining a lengthened neck. • [3:05] In Diagonal Neck Rotation you’ll learn to incorporate rotational movement in a diagonal plane. This is a functional pattern that you probably use every day – but I’ll teach you how to perform the movement from a place of length, reducing your chance of injury. • In the last exercise, Sagittal Plane Rotation [3:48], you’ll learn how to properly move your skull on your upper cervical vertebrae. • These exercises will help reset your default neck posture to one of length, mobility, and stability. • So whether you need to pivot your neck quickly to dodge a swing in the ring or maintain proper posture while at your computer all day, your neck will be strong and aligned enough to handle it. • For more training tips, connect with me on Facebook:   / precisionmovement.coach   • Visit the blog at https://www.precisionmovement.coach


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