This Stops 90 Of The Good Vibrations NIKOLA TESLA WAS RIGHT


And as we all know from science, energy is constantly vibrating at a certain speed, and nothing rests. And this is also what the Law of Vibration states; everything is vibrating and nothing is at rest. Everything you see around you is vibrating at a different frequency, and this is what separated things from what you see, such as animals, people, plants, trees, and so on. • The truth is that none of us, including the things around us, are separated. Everything is made of energy, remember? Thus, we are all connected at the lowest and deepest level. • ___________________________________________________________________________ • Footage: Videoblocks and Artgrid • Music: Epidemic Sound and Audiojungle • References used under Fair Use Law • __________________________________________________________________________ • ✅ SELF-HYPNOSIS AUDIO PROGRAMS -​​ (Reprogram Your Subconscious) • __________________________________________________________________________ • 📩 For any concerns or business inquiries, please contact us at: [email protected] • AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: there may be a few links in this description that, at no cost to you, will earn us a commission if you choose to click them and make a purchase. • Don’t worry, we only recommend products we know and trust.


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