Apexogenesis What is it Endodontics
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-In this lecture I have discussed what is Apexogenesis in detail. What is the procedure of Apexogenesis? what is the goal of Apexogenesis? how to perform Apexogenesis and what are the possible outcomes of Apexogenesis? • Subscribe @studywiththedentist for more on Dentistry • Consider supporting me on Patreon : / studywiththedentist • Video on Reversible Pulpitis : • Reversible Pulpitis | Causes, Diagnos... • Video on Irreversible Pulpitis : • Irreversible Pulpitis | Causes, Diagn... • Video on Pulp calcifications : • Pulp Calcifications | What is it? | T... • • Some Links • My other channel : / @dentistontherun • Facebook : / studywiththedentist • Instagram : https://bit.ly/3bcOuhd • Website : studywiththedentist.com • For business inquiries contact at [email protected] • Description for the video: • After a tooth has erupted into the oral cavity, it takes about three years for the root development to complete, hence the root of the tooth still has thin dentinal walls, and an open root end. • When the pulp of such a tooth that is still undergoing root development is exposed to the environment, and if the pulp becomes damaged or necrosed, then the root dentine formation will cease, and the root development will become arrested. • The result will be a short thin root with thin dentinal walls and a comparatively large apex that lacks constriction and is hence known as an open apex. • This tooth, because of the thin root and dead pulp can easily be fractured and is very weak. • Also open apex provides a serious challenge in the treatment of the tooth. Because conventional root canal treatment is not an option since apical closure hasn't been achieved yet and therefore the root canal treatment becomes unpredictable and unreliable in these cases. • Hence protecting the vitality of the pulp in such developing teeth is really important in order to promote continued root development and achieve apical end closure. • A number of procedures have been suggested to counter this problem. One of such procedures is Apexogenesis. • Apexogenesis is defined as a vital pulp therapy procedure performed to encourage continued physiological development and formation of the root end. • The objective of Apexogenesis is to maintain the vitality of the radicular pulp after a pulp exposure has occurred, usually due to trauma or mechanical exposure, so that the root can continue developing and the apical closure can be achieved. • Disclaimer: • Please don't be harsh on my accent or pronunciation of words, as I am not a native English speaker and neither do I live among people who speak English. Thank you :) • NONE OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE VIDEOS IS TO BE USED FOR DIAGNOSIS PURPOSES. IT IS ONLY INTENDED FOR GENERAL GUIDANCE AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. • Thank you for your beloved support! • Chapters : • The Problem : 00:00 • What is Apexogenesis? 01:18 • Procedure 01:48 • Ideal case for Apexogenesis 04:15 • Goal of Apexogenesis 05:46 • Outcomes of Apexogenesis 06:12 • Ending and best wishes 07:50