>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=NYl4LGzXdmE
【開估… 小爪水獺追星實錄!?👀】 • 小爪水獺雖然作爲榮譽「Mee 粉」✨,原來從未有真正機會見到 Mee-racle ,所以今次佢趁住公園冇乜人就偷偷地去追星呀😗! • 到底偶像同粉絲嘅相遇會有咩火花?立即睇片,睇下佢哋玩得幾開心啦❤️! • 玩之餘大家仲做足防疫措施,所以佢哋見面時係好安全㗎! 佢哋可以透過玻璃見到, 聽到同聞到對方,但唔會直接接觸到㗎, 連high five都會隔住玻璃🙌!安排佢哋見面嘅主要目的其實係為咗帶畀佢哋一個新體驗,可以當作為「環境豐容物」㗎~ • 大家不如留言話比小編知,你哋仲想見到邊啲動物見面呢🤩? • [Here’s the answer!! It’s our otter meeting their idols!!👀] • The otter although an honorary Mee fan , never got a chance to meet Mee-racle before! Therefore, someone recently decided to sneak out to meet his idol, Mee-racle, when the park allowed him the chance to roam and explore! 😗! • Check out the video out if you want to see how happy they were during the fans meet-up ❤️ • By the way, their fan meeting is safe! They are fully prepared for this meet-up and observed appropriate social distancing. Although they can see, hear and probably smell each other, they will only say hi to each other through the glass panel 🙌! The main purpose of doing all this is to create new experience for the animals, it’s also considered part of enrichment. • Let’s comment under the post and tell us what will you do when you meet your idols? 🤩 • #hkoceanpark #OPLovelyAnimals #OPAnimalStar #MeeRacle #Meerkat #Otter #海洋公園 #動物之日常 #小爪水獺 #狐獴 #相遇 #新朋友 #開心 #追星日常 #Mata家族 #沙漠天團