Growing Reef Amphipods
Aloha from • For more information on Reef Amphipods or to place an order, click here: • Among the more beneficial marine invertebrates we can introduce to our reef aquarium tanks, ipsf's Reef Amphipods are prodigious grazers of microalgae and macroalgae. They help control the growth of algae that might otherwise reach nuisance levels. • Reef Amphipods are beneficial in the main tank as well as the refugium. They breed easily in captivity but will not overpopulate your system, being limited by space and available food. • Observe them in a shallow bowl to see females with eggs attached to their abdomens. These eggs are brooded by females and released directly into the water column looking like miniature versions of the adults. New broods of eggs are produced every 2 weeks or so, making population growth very rapid. • Many types of fishes feed on Reef Amphipods, including clownfishes, sea horses, dragonets, and angelfishes. • For more information or to place an order, please visit our website: • To see more of our YouTube videos, click here: • / ipsfdotcom • Join us on Facebook •!/ • Please use only captive-bred organisms in your reef aquarium.