CO2 Resurfacing Laser Recovery


FRACTIONAL #CO2 LASER RESURFACING • As we age there are genetically programmed changes to our skin that result in skin that has less elasticity and tone. These changes make our skin look less vibrant and combined with repeat underlying muscle activity we also see fine lines and deeper wrinkles develop throughout the face. Sun damage can further break down some of the collagen in our skin leading to even more signs of aging in addition to leaving brown spots and other unwanted changes to our skin • Fractional CO2 is the gold standard for laser resurfacing. The results are consistently excellent and can be accomplished with one treatment. Laser resurfacing refers to a treatment, which reduces brown and red spots caused by sun damage and tightening the skin so as to reduce #wrinkles. After #laser #resurfacing, the #skin produces significantly more collagen, which is one of the key building blocks of younger skin. Overall the effect is to make the skin look younger by as much as 10-15 years in many cases. • DR. DAHIYA’S APPROACH TO LASER RESURFACING • Dr. Dahiya has performed over 4,000 laser treatments in a variety of skin types and ages of patients. This vast experience allows him to find the right treatment settings for each patient. Some patients benefit from less intense settings whereas other patients may need much more aggressive power settings or perhaps even more than one treatment. Dr. Dahiya is able to make the best assessment of each patient and provide them with an individualized treatment plan.


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