CK3 Lack Of Flavor
Crusader Kings 3 is coming up on its 3rd anniversary and it made me think about is predecessor and the first Paradox Interactive game I played Crusader Kings 2. CK2 is currently free to play and I think still has some better mechanics and in certain areas better flavor than CK3. Therefore I recommend you all to play it and detail why in this video! • P.S: Let's get to 7500 Subscribers! • If you want to play Paradox MP join my discord: / discord • CK2 Steam Link: • CK2 Wiki: • Title: Why You Should Play CK2 • Topics: A video on Crusader Kings 2 and Crusader Kings 3 on my thoughts on CK2 and CK2 vs. CK3 and why you should play CK2! • #ck2 #crusaderkings #crusaderkings2 #ck3 #cursaderkings3 #paradoxinteractive #eu4 #ckiii #ckii