La chanson de Maxence Michel Legrand POMPLAMOOSE
This might be my favorite song on the upcoming French record. • Save this song on Spotify: • Follow us on instagram: / pomplamoosemusic • Become a patron of our music (to vote on the songs we cover and get merch and stuff like that): / pomplamoose • A cover of Michel Legrand's La chanson de Maxence by Pomplamoose. • MUSICIAN CREDITS • Vocals: Nataly Dawn • Accordion: Jack Conte • Hi Strung Guitar: John Schroeder • Chromatic Harmonica: Ross Garren • Upright Bass: Eliana Athayde • Acoustic Guitar: Erik Miron • Clarinet: John Tegmeyer • Background Vocals: Sarah Dugas • AUDIO CREDITS • Engineer: Tim Sonnefeld • Assistant Engineer: Branko Presley • Mixing/Mastering: Caleb Parker • Producer: John Schroeder • VIDEO CREDITS • Video Production/Direction: Ricky Chavez, George Sloan • Camera Operators: Merlin Showalter, Sammy Rothman, Dijon Herron, Charlene Gibbs • Art Design: George Sloan, Susannah Honey • Video Editor: Cleveen Dominguez • Colorist: Charlene Gibbs • Recorded at The Village in Los Angeles. • LYRICS (French / English) • Je l'ai cherchée partout / I’ve searched for her everywhere • J'ai fait le tour du monde / I’ve been around the world • De Venise à Java, de Manille à Angkor / From Venice to Java, From Manilla to Angkor • De Jeanne à Victoria, de Vénus en Joconde / From Jeanne to Victoria, from Venus to Joconde* • Je ne l'ai pas trouvée et je la cherche encore / I haven’t found her and I search for her still • Je ne connais rien d'elle et pourtant je la vois / I know nothing about her and yet I see her • J'ai inventé son nom, j'ai entendu sa voix / I’ve made up her name, I’ve heard her voice • J'ai dessiné son corps et j'ai peint son visage / I’ve sketched her body and painted her face • Son portrait et l'amour ne font plus qu'une image / Her portrait and love have become a single image • Sa démarche ressemble aux souvenirs d'enfant / Her walk resembles childhood memories • Qui trottent dans ma tête et dansent en rêvant / That run through my head and dance as they dream • Sur son front, ses cheveux sont de l'or en bataille / On her brow, her hair is tousled gold • Que le vent de la mer et le soleil chamaillent / That the ocean wind and the sun tease • Je pourrais vous parler de ses yeux, de ses mains / I could speak to you of her eyes, of her hands • Je pourrais vous parler d'elle jusqu'à demain / I could tell you about her until tomorrow • Son amour, c'est ma vie mais à quoi bon rêver? / Her love is my life, but what good is this dream? • Je l'ai cherchée partout et je ne l'ai pas trouvée / I’ve looked for her everywhere and I haven’t found her • Je la chercherai à jamais / I’ll search for her always • *La Joconde is another name for the Mona Lisa, from the Italian La Gioconda, which is the feminine version of her husband's last name, del Giocondo. It means jocund or jolly, lighthearted.