Anorexia recovery Fear Foods for Breakfast
In this vlog I talk about challenging fear foods in anorexia recovery. In this video I am challenging my fear foods at breakfast. It is a bit of a What I eat in a day, but more What I eat at breakfast. • The important thing is to repeat the fear food challenge. You can’t just eat something once and think that it is no longer a fear food. So I keep repeating the challenge and I try a range of different cereals for breakfast. • And actually, know that I have done it several times, I feel I have broken that mental block about having cereal for breakfast – it no longer carries the same fear as it used to! But in order to keep it this way, I have to make sure that I continue to regularly eat cereal for breakfast so that it doesn’t become a fear food again. And I’m not saying you have to eat it every day, but just make sure fear foods stay in your diet in order to stop the fear coming back. • And this video actually starts with something MAJOR!! I went out to a pub with my friend and had a spontaneous pub lunch. It was completely unplanned, I hadn’t seen the menu before and I had no idea how many calories were in the food. But I chose a meal and ate all of it! And this is the first time ever of eating lunch and not knowing the calories! And if I can do it, anyone can. • So I hope this video helps you to understand your bloating and know that you aren’t alone. And that with weight restoration and a good diet, the bloating will go. • I hope to keep you updated on how my anorexia recovery is going and if you want to keep watching, please subscribe to my channel. • Instagram: / rebecca.quinlan.319 • Twitter: / littlebexq • Facebook: / rebecca.quinlan.319 • Blog: http://foodforthoughtanorexia.blogspo...

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