Develop your eye to quotSeequot in Street Photography Quote by Henri CartierBresson
Street Photography is an art of reflexes, quick thinking and also luck BUT there is a human side to it as well, something that you can control. In this video I go over a quote by Henri Cartier Bresson that talks about seeing in photography, training your eye and having the ability to swing between “Conscious and unconscious” while taking photos. One way to be able to make better images is to practice seeing images even if you don’t have a camera, maybe your walk to school or work. Take 15 minutes of your day just to walk around without your camera and look for things that strike you. Learn to identify leading lines, interesting gestures, different emotions and use that to your advantage to help create a visual frame in your head to make that imaginary image. The earth is your playground and there will never be a time where you cant make a photo, if you’re not seeing anything you’re probably not looking hard enough. • The next time you’re walking to class or work, or maybe you’re out and about with your family, look around and visualize a frame in your head and try to make an image with just your eyes only no camera. Once you’re able to “see” images in every day life, the easier it will be to pull the camera to your face and take a photo. Bresson Talks about being able to flip in and out of that zone like a switch. Train your eye to see the image before you take an image. Thanks for watching everyone, if you enjoyed the video please drop a thumbs up! What are your thought around this? • RECYCLED CUSTOM WOOD SHUTTER BUTTONS! • Use promo code JVPES for 15% at checkout! • Music: • LakeyInspired - / lakeyinspired • COP YOUR T-SHIRTS: • Website: • Brevite Backpack - • (DISCLAIMER: This is an affiliate link, each purchase through this link will give me a commission.) • ----------------------------------------------------------- • FOLLOW Me on instagram! • Instagram : @Kingjvpes • Twitter: @Kingjvpes • Follow Drew! • Instagram: Drewefren • Twitter: DeniseEfren • Follow me on Flickr! • • Filming Equipment used: • Sony A7II • Manfrotto tripod • Sony a5000 • 16-50 Kit lens • How to buy film camera. First time buying 35mm film, how to buy cheap cameras, 35mm Film buying guide, Film,story,first time,shooting,35mm film,develop,film is not dead, minolta,short film,vintage,darkroom,fujifilm,cannon,x-700,htsi plus,how to shoot film, kingjvpes, minolta SRt101, portra 400, Berkeley, Cal, Norcal.San Francisco, golden gate bridge, point reyes, 28mm, olympus XA, Canon autoboy, canon af35m, expired film, cheap film, best cheap film, how to shoot a film camera with a broken light meter, broken light meter, broken meter, how to light meter, agfa vista 400, tomography color 100, canon eos 3, 85mm 1.8, film camera giveaway, best films, best 35mm film, top 5 35mm film, $3 film camera, $3 Leica, Cheap leica, Free Leica, Leica, yashica mat, yashica 124, yashica mat 124, expired tri-x, Nikon f3, Canon A-1, Minolta x-700, Seattle, black and white, money, sharp, groot, street, how to develop color film, how develop black and white film, street photography tips, how to street photography, how to take photos, beginner film photography, film photography for beginners, tips for film photography, how to film photography, beginner film photography tips, free film camera.