Dwarf White Isopods Care Guide How to Breed
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=NjH_CM090Eo
How to care for and breed dwarf white isopods - Trichorhina tomentosa. I have so many, I need to setup new containers for them. Here's how we care for and breed the dwarf whites. • Dwarf whites are used both in Bio-active enclosures and to feed small animals like dart frogs and small geckos. Those keeping dwarf whites in a bioactive enclosure may find the tips and techniques used in the video to be helpful. So, do you keep dwarf whites as your clean up crew in your vivarium? • Thank you for your support of the Isopod Vlog • Paulie Dema • Vivariums in the mist • http://www.vivariumsinthemist.com/ • / vivariumsinthemist • Jesse McCoy • Isopods of Eden • https://isopodsofeden.com/ • / isopodsofeden • Supreme Gecko Page/Store: http://www.http://supremegecko.com/ • SG- Facebook: / supremegecko • SG- Instagram: / supremegecko • SG- Twitter: / supremegecko