How to Convert Word File to Excel
How to Convert Word File to Excel • In this tutorial, you will learn how you can convert a Word document to Excel. This can be done by making a plain text version of your Word document and importing it into Excel. • 1. Click “File” tab. • 2. Click “Save As”. • 3. Click “Browse”. • 4. Choose a location to save the plain text file. • 5. Give a name to the plain text file in the “File name” text box. • 6. From the “Save as type” drop down menu, select the “Plain Text” option. • 7. Click “Save” and click OK. • 8. Open Excel and click “Blank workbook”. • 9. Click “Data” tab. • 10. Click “From Text/CSV” and select the plain text file. • 11. A pop-up box will appear asking you to specify “File Origin”, “Delimiter” and “Data Type Detection”. Click “Load”. • That’s all! • 💬 If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below. • If you found my tutorial helpful, give it a thumbs up. And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel. Also hit the bell icon to get notified about my new uploads. 🔔 • #techplus7 #convertwordtoexcel #word #excel