How to delete autorunexe mswin32exe virus from Windows XP


This is a brief tutorial on how to delete the mswin32.exe virus from your computer by • Step 1: Right click on your C: drive, and see if there are TWO Open options, and two Explore options in the menu. If yes, then the virus is on your coputer. • Step 2: Enable view hidden files and view system files. • Step 3: Ctrl+alt+delete and bring up Windows Task manager. • Step 4: Under processes, terminate mswin32.exe . • Step 5: Right click on C:, select the SECOND Open from the top of the menu. • Step 6: Delete autorun.exe and autorun.inf. • Step 7: Repeat step 5 and 6 for each drive on your computer. • Step 8: Go to C:\\Windows\\System32\\wbem\\. • Step 9: Delete mswin32.exe. • Step 10: Restart computer. Check if the virus is still there by right clicking on C: and viewing the menu options. There should be only ONE open and explore option. • This should remove the virus (or at least the one we encountered). Best of luck! • If you need replacement parts for your dead hard drive for data recovery purposes, take a look at our website at


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