The four quadrant model of organizational change by David Boddy and David Buchanan
The review of the model is based on the book “The Expertise of the Change Agent - Public Performance and Backstage Activity” published in 1992. The model can help you understand the organization’s response to the change you implement. In the model, you have to see yourself as a change agent. This model is a tool that all change agents, often also called project managers, can use in projects. The model consists of four quadrants that classify the nature of change itself seen from the view of the affected individuals. • David Buchanan is Emeritus Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Cranfield University School of Management, and Visiting Professor at Nottingham Business School. He works freelance as a consultant, speaker, and author, specializing in change management and organization politics. He has a Doctorate in Organizational Behaviour from Edinburgh University. • Davíd Boddy was a reader in Management Studies at Glasgow University Business School and Head of Department of Management studies. He wrote the best seller “Management: An Introduction”. • Section • 0:00 Introduction of authors and the purpose of the model • 1:12 The structure of the model and two important factors in the model • 2:34 Quadrant 1 - Radical - peripheral with an example • 3:59 Quadrant 2 - Peripheral - incremental with an example • 4:53 Quadrant 3 - Core - incremental with an example • 6:04 Quadrant 4 - Core - radical with an example • 7:36 How should the model be used? • 10:36 A review of an example • 13:54 Criticism of the model • Download the model (powerpoint) from our website: • • You might also benefit from: • CVF model (The competing Values Framework) developed by Professor Robert E. Quinn and Professor Kim S. Cameron • • Fire typer organisationskultur - CVF ... • Our Youtube channel • / flixaboutcom • Our homepage •