Ukulele Strings A beginners guide to Nylgut Fluorocarbon Nylon and more
In this video, I'm sharing 8 popular songs that uses C-Am-F-G chord progression. Therefore, we only need to play those 4 chords repeatedly from the beginning until the end of the songs! It's like I'm teaching how to play 8 songs in one video haha! :p • The lyrics, chords and strumming patterns are on the screen so come play along with me guys! And if the video's too fast, feel free to adjust the playback speed to 0,75x slower ;) • • By the way, as I've mentioned in the video, I'm using a Donner brand concert ukulele here. I think the ukulele bundle kit is a really great deal! If you are interested, feel free to check out the links below! • Donner DUC-1 Ukulele: • Official Website: • Join Donner Vine Program (FB Official Group) to enjoy priority discount • • • I hope you guys enjoy this video! If you do, please support me by giving it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel Thank you so much! • Don't forget to stream and listen to my first single Remember Me !! • Available on digital streaming platforms • • Come find me and let's be friends! • / chairiatandias • / chairia.tandias • / chairia69 • • #easyukulele #ukulelesongs #ukulelechords #ukuleletutorial #donnerukulele #donner