Personal Liberty and the Public Option Thomas Murray
Complete video at: • • Thomas H. Murray, president of The Hastings Center, says that while opponents of healthcare reform contend a public option would infringe on individual freedom, the reality is much more complex. Murray argues that a public option would promote liberty, ensuring all Americans are created equally. • • ----- • • Panelists Thomas Murray, Peter Barland, Mary Ann Baily and Trudy Lieberman discuss the moral aspect of the current healthcare debate. • • They examine the ethical issues involved in healthcare policy, the economics of health reform, the ethics of the way the debate is being conducted and reported, and physicians' perspectives on these issues. - Center for Ethics at Yeshiva University • • Thomas H. Murray is President of The Hastings Center. Dr. Murray was formerly the Director of the Center for Biomedical Ethics in the School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where he was also the Susan E. Watson Professor of Bioethics. He is a founding editor of the journal Medical Humanities Review, and is on the editorial boards of The Hastings Center Report; Human Gene Therapy; Politics and the Life Sciences; Cloning, Science, and Policy; Medscape General Medicine; Teaching Ethics; Journal of Bioethical Inquiry and the Journal of Law, Medicine Ethics. He served as President of the Society for Health and Human Values and of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities.