How to play Pictionary vs AI


Learn the rules to the board game Pictionary vs AI quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. • Don't own the game? Buy it here: • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • (As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases) • • RULES: • The object of the game is to be the first player to reach the star space. Assemble the phone holder then scan the QR code to launch the AI app. Place the phone onto the holder. Assemble the board holder. Layout the gameboard. Give each player a drawing board and dry erase marker. Each player picks a color and takes the matching pieces, placing their token it on its colored square on the board. Shuffle the clue cards then place them facedown on the table. Each clue card has 2 colored clues on it. Before beginning, decide which color on the cards you will use for the entirety of the game. • Configure your settings on the phone and tap play to begin. If playing with the challenge rule, then at the start of each round you could receive an extra challenge as indicated by the phone. Next everyone draws 1 clue card and secretly looks at it. Tap “start timer” to begin. All players must draw their clue on their board. When drawing, make sure the logo is at the top and draw only lines, don’t fill in areas. When the timer ends, you must stop drawing, whether you are finished or not. • Without revealing your clue cards, all the players must use their token to identify which player’s drawing they think the AI will guess correctly, as indicated by the plus, and which it will guess incorrectly, as indicated by the minus. Place the tokens on the board or near it, without placing it on the actually drawing. You may not place tokens on your own drawing. • Once complete, take turns placing each drawing in the board holder and position it within the camera frame so the AI can guess. Move your token 1 space forward on the board whenever the AI guesses your drawing correctly, you placed your plus marker on an image the AI guessed correctly, you placed your minus marker on an image the AI guessed incorrectly, or if your board has every other player’s minus token on it but the AI guessed it correctly. • Once the AI has guessed every board, erase all the boards and play another round. The first player to reach the end star space, wins. If there is a tie, then flip over a single clue card and all the tied players race to draw the clue. In the order of players who stop drawing and drop their marker the fastest, players take turns scanning their drawings. The first player whose drawing is correctly guessed by the AI wins.


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