Grilling the PERFECT FILET MIGNON How to cook filet mignon
Only a few things in this world taste better than a perfectly grilled and seared steak, let alone the perfectly grilled filet mignon! Because of that, Rob wanted to show everyone how to cook filet mignon and how you can grill filet mignons for yourself, friends or family! Get the full recipe here This uncrowned king of steaks is the perfect dish to grill up this summer and impress your friends and family, especially when it's paired with oven roasted brussels sprouts and covered in perfectly sautéed mushrooms - specifically sautéed mushrooms for steak. • Summertime is the perfect season to take the cover off the grill and learn how you can make the perfect filet mignon. Heck, maybe even learn to grill yourself and what better way to start than with grilling filet mignon! You'll need to make sure you have a go-to butcher that you can get select cuts from and ask questions about the filets, and you'll also need a lightning hot grill! Be sure to check out our video on how to make delicious sautéed mushrooms in wine butter here, perfect sautéed mushrooms for steak • Sautéing Mushrooms with Wine | Sautée... and check out how to oven roast brussels sprouts to pair with your filet mignon or any dish here • Crispy, Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts • #HowToGrill • #GrillingthePerfectFilets • #GrillingFiletMignon • #PerfectFiletMignon • #GrillingSteaks • #SauteedMushroomsForSteaks • #OvenRoastBrusselsSprouts