How to clean a bike helmet Ask Gearist
SUBSCRIBE: • Like it or not, we all sweat. This is especially true when we're doing something active like riding a bike. Here at Gearist we're very aware of just how gross a bike helmet can become if you don't clean it. Apart from the salt and sweat that accumulate inside your skull-bucket, bacteria and mold can also join the party and make for a very nasty situation. • Today, Brandon goes out on a limb and into the shower to show you a quick and easy way to clean your bike helmet that takes no time at all! • How do you clean your bike helmet - if you clean it at all? Let us know in the comments and be sure to subscribe! • • If you've got a question for us, don't be shy! Drop us a line at [email protected] or just hit us up on on the social webs listed below. • VISIT US • • FACEBOOK • / gearist • TWITTER • / thegearist • INSTAGRAM • / thegearist • Subscribe to this channel: