The Calls of the Bald Eagle and Redtailed Hawk
Hollywood muddies the waters. • The call of the red-tailed hawk is frequently used as a generic spooky sound effect in television shows and other media, even if the bird featured is not a red-tailed hawk. It is commonly used in depictions of the bald eagle, contributing to the common misconception that it is a bald eagle cry. • Although both bird calls are high and roughly in the same register, they couldn't be more different. The bald eagle's call consists of gentle staccato, chirping whistles that occasionally resemble the call of a seagull. The fierce, screaming cry of the adult red-tailed hawk lasts 2 to 3 seconds, begins at a high pitch, and slurs downward. • Although the red-tailed hawk also produces other vocalizations, including some that are melodically ascending (rehearsal mark B), they all have a higher noise level than the bald eagle (x-shaped noteheads in the score). • Transcription: @AlexanderLiebermann • Videos: @Pacificnorthwestkate, Just Birds (YB). DM me for the credit of the first video. • #eagles #eagle #hawk #birdsofprey #birds #birdsong #solfeggio #musictheory