First Comp Back quotOverlordquot Chris Ciancio Memorial VLOG


Welcome back to the channel! Today's video is slightly different to the usual uploads - we're at the “Overlord” Weightlifting Competition hosted by CrossFit Westbourne as a fundraiser for a friend Chris Ciancio - an opportunity to honour him and his family. I had a tonne of fun getting back on the platform and sharing the day with Goran, Zac and Hugh - all first comps. • I’ve been fortunate enough to have trained at Chris’ gym and through him I’ve been able to create friendships and memories with such great people. Chris used to always call me 'Nancy' - I'm still not sure if it was his way of teasing me when I would drop into his gym or because I used to pussy out of heavy jerks. Thank you to Ben Templeton for organising such a special event. Looking forward to next year. • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Looking for a Weightlifting Program? Check out The Power Program! • Within this 8-week program, you’ll be exposed to training that prepares you beyond the force and velocity demands of weightlifting to develop a beastly second pull! • The program also includes a 63-page eBook which helps to immerse yourself in the driving philosophies behind the program, techniques for Olympic weightlifting and information on the other training modalities within the Power Program. • This all helps to give meaning to the training process, helping you become a more beastly athlete! • Download 8-Week Power Program: Develop a Beastly Second Pull! • https://www.theweightliftingmentorshi... • The Coaches Portal: Weightlifting Education Site ($27 USD/Month) • https://www.theweightliftingmentorshi... • My Podcast: The S C Roundtable: • Download The Weightlifting Handbook • https://www.theweightliftingmentorshi... • My Gym •


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