Classification of insects What is class and order entomology ICAR
Insect, (class #Insecta or #Hexapoda), any member of the largest class of the phylum #Arthropoda , which is itself the largest of the animal #phyla. Insects have #segmented bodies, jointed legs, and #external skeletons (#exoskeletons). • Insects are distinguished from other #arthropods by their body, • which is divided into three major regions: • (1) the head, which bears the mouthparts, eyes, and a pair of #antennae, • (2) the three-segmented #thorax, which usually has three pairs of legs (hence “#Hexapoda”) in adults and usually one or two pairs of wings, and • (3) the #many-segmented abdomen, which contains the digestive, #excretory, and #reproductive organs. • The Insects (Class Insecta) are divided into a number of Orders. These are grouped together into two sub-classes called the #Apterygota (wingless insects) and the #Pterygota (winged insects) - for further information on Classes, Orders and Sub-classes see the #Classification section. In addition to the Class Insecta there are three other classes of invertebrates that have six legs, these three classes are known as #non-insect hexapods.