You Deserve a Beautiful Life iamacreator holisticandcreativewellnesscoach
We all dream of a wonderful life full of happiness, joy, and love, as well as all the wonderful material things we can imagine. But, unfortunately, many of us go through life hoping, wishing, and chasing after but never achieving the life we desire. Why? • .....because we've been programmed to believe we are unworthy. • If you believe yourself to be unworthy, then somewhere in your life, you were presented with the idea that you are. Eventually, this idea became a belief. • It's a lie!!! • You've been believing nothing but marketing tactics telling you (and your ego) what you should look like, act like, and sound like in order to be acceptable. They simply are not true. • The truth is, your entire existence is one of worthiness. You are a perfect child of God and are deserving of a beautiful life! • Henry Ford stated: Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re absolutely right. • Thinking you can’t is, in my opinion, the purest and truest form of self-imposed limitations, and is caused by your lack of worthiness, self-esteem, self-image, self-confidence, or however you want to label it. The bottom line is, how you feel about yourself is a choice, although it often doesn’t feel that way. • So do the work to remove that self-limiting programming, and get busy building that life you know you deserve! • #holisticandcreativewellnesscoach #youdeserveabeautifullife