>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • What are ceramides and what do they have to do with retaining youthful, unblemished skin? • The body naturally makes six ceramides, which are lipids that help the skin to retain density and lock in moisture. Ceramides are also what keeps our skin smooth, supple and tight. As the years pass, ceramide production declines dramatically. The result is a thinning of your skin--with noticeable wrinkles, dryness, age spots and roughness. • Although ceramides are present in many of the foods we eat, they don’t naturally occur in sufficient quantities to optimally rejuvenate aging skin. This means that slowing and reversing skin aging requires supplementation. • Applying ceramides directly to the skin is said to help add moisture, but the results are only temporary. • An effective answer is phytoceramides. • Phytoceramides work from the inside out. After being absorbed into your bloodstream, they are rapidly transported through the four skin layers-- right up to the skin’s top layer. They restore the crackled or even damaged barrier between these layers. They moisturize and fill out age-related wrinkles and even sun damaged spots on the skin’s surface. • Ceramides were once mainly derived from soybean and bovine sources. But “phyto” means “from plants” so phytoceramides are plant-based; they don’t come from animals. Phytoceramides are derived from sources like wheat, rice or even sweet potatoes. Which is better? • Although wheat-based phytoceramides are more common, rice-based formulas have been found to be more potent and provide more visible results. An independent study comprised of men and women of different ages found that rice-based phytoceramides were more effective in providing youthful and more hydrated skin when compared to wheat. • Some formulas contain other beneficial ingredients such as vitamins A, C, D and E which also contribute to skin health. • Phytoceramides derived from rice also have the advantage over wheat-derived phytoceramides of being gluten free and good news for those with wheat allergies. • Phytoceramides are safe to take and were recently approved by the FDA. • It should be noted that phytoceramides won’t erase wrinkles overnight. Since the skin takes about one month to renew itself, it will take time for new, healthy skin cells to reach the skin’s surface. • Green Planet Nutraceuticals has an excellent phytoceramides product. It’s manufactured in the U.S.A. in an FDA approved facility using the highest quality natural ingredients. It’s derived from rice, not wheat, so those with wheat allergies have no worries. Plus, rice-derive phytoceramides have been proven in the lab to be more powerful and effective than wheat-derived phytoceramides. Pick up a bottle at our listing.