Truck Upgrades amp Skyline Engine Swap Big Moves at Next Level Neo
Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel! It's time for an exciting update. We've made some great progress on the truck, including new wheels, rear and front lights, and side rails for the steps. The truck is almost where we want it to be, with just a few more tweaks like brakes, suspension, and ceramic coating left. • The highlight of today's video is loading up the Skyline and taking it to P Tuning in Manassas, Virginia, for a motor swap and build. We’re thrilled to get this project underway! • Plus, a quick business update: We have an underglow line launching soon! Stay tuned for installation videos and more exciting content. Thanks to everyone who came out to the Wicked Big Meet and supported us. More great things are on the way! • #TruckUpgrades #SkylineBuild #EngineSwap #PTuning #BragginLightz #CustomHeadlights #CarMods #WickedBigMeet #Underglow #CarCommunity