Rowenta Steam Iron Honest Review
ROWENTA STEAM IRON HONEST REVIEW / Hello Makers and welcome to Sheer Stitchery! • #Unboxing • Have you ever wondered what is the best iron for sewing or which iron should I buy? Well, in this video, I do an iron unboxing and review of the Rowenta Steam Iron Station. This is an honest review and I bought this iron with my own money. • Overall, this is a great iron and I LOVE the amount of steam and high degree of temperature controls that it has. The one item that is a bit of a bother is that it has an auto shut off after 6 minutes of not being used, which when sewing garments can be a bit annoying (bit great for quilting since you pop over to the iron VERY frequently.) • I have also used this iron to press my husbands suits for work and it works a dream. I would consider this one of the best sewing supplies for a new sewist. • ▶ RESOURCES LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO: • Iron: Rowenta Steam Iron: (about $250 CAD on Amazon) • Instagram: / sheerstitchery #SheerStitchery • Etsy Store: • Newsletter: • Facebook: / sheerstitchery • Pinterest: • Website: • As always, if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments down below. If you haven't already, please hit that LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button, please! • Until next time Makers and Creators let's get our 'Sew-Spiration' on! • #SewSpiration • #MeMade