Skyrim Mods Apocalypse Spell Package Conjuration and Restoration Spells
To see almost every spell individually, please see the two videos I made below. • Schools of Destruction, Alteration, Illusion • • Skyrim Mods - Apocalypse Spell Packag... • Brief overview with commentary/tactics • • Skyrim Mod Feature #1: Apocalypse Spe... • Mod Description: • Apocalypse Spell Package adds over 130 spells and effects for your Skyrim character to utilize. You can learn the spells by buying spell tomes off merchants, namely the court wizards in Whiterun, Blue Palace (aka Solitude), and Riften. To get the more powerful master versions of the spells, you must go to the Winterhold College. • For those that want to test out the spells without hunting them down, open the console (pressing the tilde key) and type psb (which stands for populate spell book). However, you will be given a bunch of garbage spells (like Wisp's Kiss) that do nothing. Most of these useless spells are from Vanilla Skyrim. • • Apopcalypse Spell Package by Enai Siaion • • If you enjoy his mod, don't forget to endorse his hard work! (File of the month, in my opinion) • The armor set I'm wearing - Iorveth Scoi'atel Armor • • Other mods used • Imaginator (Using the Pixar Preset - lots of saturation) • • ReAL Sun - my own sunglare mod • • Note: I don't have anything against Ulfric Stormcloak. He just looked at me wrong the first time I met him.