The 1 Tool For ADHD
It’s about that time again! 🫣Where the teachers, doctors, coaches, and friends may suggest that our children should be on medication to help them focus… But what if there’s something better out there to try before Ritalin?! • ➡️ At Pinnacle we look for the root cause of ADHD symptoms. AND we have a test that can be used to see how wound up our child’s brain and body really are! So watch this video and then visit the link in our bio for your next steps of reading more OR getting your child signed up for their Neurological INSiGHT Scans! 😍Your child’s drug-free help is finally here, and our team is ready to support you in all the ways!! 🫶Our DMs are always open! • #pxdocs #adhd #add #pinnaclepotential #bradenton #sarasota #lakewoodranch / attention deficit hyperactivity disorder / How to test for ADHD / Ritalin / methylphenidate / ADHD in kids / ADHD remedies