Assassin Northern Lawmaker White Skin Spotlight Lost Ark 4K
A demonstration of an Assassin Deathblade wearing the Northern Lawmaker White (B) skin included in the Gold Founder's Pack, captured in 4K. • The mount (Cerberus) in this clip was included in the founder's pack and is available in a range of colours. • You can see a demonstration of the same skin in Black (C) on an Assassin Demon Hunter here: • Assassin Northern Lawmaker Black Skin... • This is one of the first of many more cosmetics videos I plan on making. Please leave a comment below if you want to see any specific skin or cosmetic in Lost Ark or if you have feedback on how I could make these videos better. • #LostArk #Assassin #Deathblade #Founderspack #LostArkSkin #NorthernLawmaker #Lawmaker #SkinSet #Set