The Fairy pitta calls 八色鳥叫聲
The fairy pitta (Pitta nympha) is a small and brightly colored passerine bird that mainly feeds on earthworms, spiders, insects, slugs, and snails. It is also called “little forest angel” in Taiwan and “eight colored bird in Japan, Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea.[2] The fairy pitta breeds in East Asia and migrates south to winter in Southeast Asia. Due to various habitat and anthropogenic disruptions, such as deforestation, wildfire, hunting, trapping, and cage-bird trade, the fairy pitta is rare and the population is declining in most places.[3] Listed on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II, this bird is classified as vulnerable on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The fairy pitta has a body length of 16-19.5 cm and is easily discernable for its plumage of seven different colors reminiscent of a rainbow. Its back and wing bows are green, scapulars (shoulders) and upper tail coverts are green and cobalt. There is a blue rump on upper tail coverts. The tail is dark green with a cobalt tip, and the tarsi (legs) are yellowish brown. • The fairy pitta has different colors of wing coverts as well. Its primary coverts are dark blue, secondary coverts are greenish blue, greater and middle coverts are dark green, and lesser coverts are cobalt or bright blue. The bird’s white patch on each of their brownish-black primaries are noticeable when it flies. Its lower body, including nape (side back), chest, and side, is cream-colored, except for the lower belly and undertail coverts, which are red. • The bird has a chestnut crown. From its forehead to the back of its head is mantled with brown plumage, whereas its median is striped with black from lores (between the eye and the beak) to nape. The off-white supercilia (eyebrows) extend across the nape. The fairy pitta has a white throat and a black beak. The fairy pitta is a migratory birds and travels from Northeast Asia, where it breeds in summer (April–September) to South and Southeast Asia to spend the winter (October–March).[9] Sightings have been reported from India and Indochina, including both the Bruneian and Kalimantan sides of the island of Borneo, and New Guinea, as well as in China, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan. Recorded stopovers are in North Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Thailand.[3][6] Following the same migratory routes in both spring and autumn every year, the majority of passages occur in April and September to October. Even though the bird is fairly widespread throughout the eastern part of Asia, the fact that it is highly localized in subtropical forests suggests that the fairy pitta is faithful to wintering sites and requires specific habitat conditions. • • 八色鳥(學名:Pitta nympha),是八色鶇科八色鶇屬的一種,是全面遷徙的候鳥,分布於香港、韓國、日本、汶萊、中國大陸、印度尼西亞、台灣、馬來西亞、越南和朝鮮。全球活動範圍約為1,170,000平方公里。該物種的保護狀況被評為易危。[3] • 八色鳥的平均體重約為90.2克。棲息地包括種植園、亞熱帶或熱帶的濕潤低地林、亞熱帶或熱帶的旱林、亞熱帶或熱帶的(低地)濕潤疏灌叢和河流、溪流。該物種的模式產地在朝鮮。 •