TheRange SIG P220 Legion 10mm
#justinopinion #gunreview #shooting • The Justin Opinion Channel promotes the legal, safe, and responsible use of firearms and accessories. The shooting in this video is done by a professional shooter and certified firearms instructor in a safe range environment, using remote cameras. Do not attempt to perform these actions outside a safe designated range with appropriate safety measures and supervision. By viewing this video, you agree that Justin Opinion Channel or YouTube are not responsible for unsafe acts attempted by viewers. • This video is presented for information and entertainment purposes only. I do not sell any of these products, nor receive payment from any industry sources to review their products or services. • This video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. • There are no links to other websites that sell firearms. • Some products may be provided to the channel at no charge, or loaned as test and evaluation (T E) – this information is fully disclosed in the video. • Some of the codes below are affiliate links that pay a commission back to this channel, at no additional cost to the buyer. Those are identified with the word “affiliate”. This helps support content creation and usually saves you money! • LOK Grips: Use the affiliate code JUSTIN10, you’ll save 10% • Blade-Tech Holsters affiliate link: • Tactical AR500 Targets: Use discount code “justinopinion” and get 10% off • Talon Grips: Use discount code “JustinO” and get 10% off your order. • Support the Justin Opinion Channel: / justinopinion • All music is licensed and royalty-free. Used with permission. • Fair Use: Any other images, audio or video clips, etc. that might be used are done for the purpose of illustrating a point for Documentary or Educational purposes. • © Justin Opinion Enterprises, LLC