Elias Dummer Enough Official Music Video
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=OD-wdytFVz4
Download Free Chord Charts for this song and more here: https://eliasdummer.com/chord-charts/ • Listen at: http://eliasdummer.com/enough • Lyrics: • I am not what I make; I am who you have made me to be • I am not what I've done; I am loved unconditionally • I am not loved by the measure of love that I bring • I am not who I know; I am known by the king of all kings • Jesus, you are enough • Jesus, you are enough for me • With nothing; I still have everything • Jesus, you are enough for me • You are maker made visible; holding the world in your hands • You are patient and merciful; giver of grace without end • Satisfied simply by being who you've always been • You are infinite love and you prove it again and again • Jesus, you are enough • Jesus, you are enough for me • With nothing; I still have everything • Jesus, you are enough for me • In you, I am created • In you, I am sustained • With you, I am resurrected • You overcame the grave • With you I stand in victory! • Now what else could I need? • With you I want for nothing • Jesus, my everything! • Jesus, you are enough • Jesus, you are enough for me • With nothing; I still have everything • Jesus, you are enough for me