BeethovenLiszt Symphony 3 quotEroicaquot I Allegro con brio Cyprien Katsaris Piano
This is the first movement of Beethoven's 3rd symphony (op. 55) as arranged by Franz Liszt and performed by Cyprien Katsaris for solo piano. Click here for an old video of Katsaris performing an excerpt of this movement live: • Cyprien Katsaris plays for Yehudi Men... • The original symphony was composed mainly from 1803-1804. It generally was not well received at the time, but has become recognized for being one of the greatest symphonies ever written. • Franz Liszt, with great respect and admiration for Beethoven, first published his arrangements of all 9 symphonies in 1865. Cyprien Katsaris compared Liszt's arrangements to Beethoven's original scores and found sections where notes could be added that Liszt had omitted. These notes are not included in the score I used. • Personally, I also like that throughout his recordings, Katsaris performs the repeats a little differently, particularly if Liszt provided an ossia passage.