Exposed In The Workplace Who Qualifies For Exclusion Pay CalOSHA ETS
If you’re in the state of California and your employer asks you to stay home from work due to workplace exposure they many need to pay you something called Exclusion Pay. It is part of the ETS Emergency Temporary Standard outlined by Cal/OSHA. Exclusion pay does not include healthcare workers, those who already work from home or when your exposure didn’t originate from your place of employment. Many employers in California are telling their employees that they don’t have sick pay available, that supplemental sick pay expired and is no longer available (that’s true, it expired September 30th, 2021 but Exclusion Pay is something different) or that you need to use your regular sick days or PTO to cover the time off. I think they just don’t know about exclusion pay because so much focus was put on the supplemental sick pay. Things change rapidly, many HR representatives are in charge of multiple states who all have different rules and it's hard to stay on top of all the changes which is why they might not know about exclusion pay. Hopefully by sharing the links about exclusion pay they will pay you if you qualify. • Helpful links to send to your employer: • • https://www.californiaemploymentlawre... • In California your employer must exclude you from work if you test positive, they should not allow you to work unless they are able to allow you to telework. If you were exposed, you may be allowed to work depending on your circumstances and if you were in close contact with someone who tested positive or not. Close contact is defined as more than 15 minutes in a 24 hour time period where you were less than 6 feet apart. • If your employer has told you to work when you have a positive case or still says they won’t pay you sick pay through exclusion pay, here are some additional resources: • Unsafe work conditions: or • Employer says they won’t pay you sick pay: • Report violations to the health department: • • Other Helpful Links: • Claimyr Now Calls The IRS for Child Tax Care Credit Questions, The FTB for Golden State Stimulus Questions, and can call The SDI phone line at the CA EDD. This is a $5 discount code for the first time you place a call using Claimyr: • Apply for Rent Relief at Housing is Key: • If you need help with any of these programs, your assembly member is a great resource and this is where to find your assembly member: • Best Bank to store your money that you’ve saved for taxes because of the high interest rate is Yotta: • Start learning about investing, the stock trading app I like best is Webull and you get two free stocks when you use this link: • And last but not least, please support Ginny Silver by ordering a copy of her children’s book “Tell Me What The Earth Is Saying”: • Because many of you have requested this information, if you would like to donate to the channel to support my work, here’s a way to do that: • Join Robinhood using my link: • I’m using TubeBuddy to help me improve my YouTube rankings and YouTube SEO. If you’ve got a YouTube channel I recommend getting TubeBuddy • If you're shopping on Amazon make sure to start off by using one of the below links, I get credit for anything you buy after following my initial link so that helps me out and you get the same great Amazon deals! • My Equipment: • 16 MacBook Pro Silver (big screen for editing, better speakers/mic): • Great Mic that plugs directly into your iphone: • Ring Light: • 👓 👚: Emilio Pucci Frames (not the same color): • Lacoste Frames (not the same color): Heart Sweater: • Dressy Tank Works Great Under A Blazer or Alone With Jeans: • My Favorite Work Shirt Ever: • 📚: Think and Grow Rich: • *I receive bonus stocks or commissions when you use my above links. Offers subject to change • All information in this video is simply my opinion and is for entertainment purposes only. • Membership is now live on my channel, it highlights your questions which makes it easier for me to respond both in chat and on video comments. Click the join button next to the subscribe button. • #California #OSHA #Unemployment